Navigating Crisis with Precision: How BHL’s Data Lights the Way


Call Center Reporting Dashboard

Behavioral health agencies can leverage data to assess the effectiveness of their mobile crisis response programs based on data-driven insights. At BHL, we heavily rely on data collection and tracking to evaluate the effectiveness of our mobile crisis response program in Georgia.

This is how BHL utilizes data, hoping it will help other agencies understand how they can use their own data to enhance services for their mobile response programs.

Assessing Program Effectiveness Through Data

BHL utilizes an electronic tracking system built into the BHL Platform to capture utilization and outcomes data, which allows us to evaluate the volume of crisis intervention work and the quality of individual interactions.

By analyzing this data, we gain valuable insights into the performance of our mobile crisis teams in responding to crises, providing appropriate interventions, and connecting individuals to necessary care. The data helps us identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, enabling BHL to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, staffing, and program enhancements.

For instance, by tracking metrics such as the number of mobile crisis visits, response times, and outcomes of each interaction, we can assess the efficiency and effectiveness of our mobile crisis teams. This information helps us identify regions or situations requiring additional support or resources to ensure timely and appropriate crisis response.

Continuous Improvement and Strategy Adaptation

At BHL, we prioritize continuous improvement and adapt our strategies based on insights derived from data analysis. We employ real-time performance outcome dashboards that provide transparency and accountability. These dashboards monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as call volume, number of referrals, time-to-answer, abandonment rates, and service accessibility performance.

By regularly monitoring these metrics, BHL can quickly identify areas that require attention or improvement. For example, if the data reveals a high abandonment rate for crisis calls, we can investigate the underlying reasons and implement strategies to reduce wait times and enhance service accessibility.

Our Quality Improvement (QI) programs also leverage data to drive enhancements across our operations, including call center operations, mobile crisis operations, referrals and care follow-up, and bed assignment operations. These programs have successfully improved mobile crisis response times and completed assessments. By utilizing data to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs, we continuously refine and adapt our strategies to achieve better outcomes.

Valuing Consumer Feedback

At BHL, we highly value consumer input and actively seek feedback to shape the quality of our services. We obtain consent for consumer follow-up on nearly every mobile crisis visit, allowing us to assess the individual’s progress and collaborate on their care until they are linked to appropriate services or evaluated to be stable and safe in the community. This consumer feedback data provides invaluable insights into the effectiveness of our mobile crisis response and helps identify areas for improvement.

By leveraging data at every level of our operations, from real-time performance dashboards to consumer feedback, BHL can continuously assess and enhance the effectiveness of our mobile crisis response programs. This data-driven approach enables us to adapt our strategies, allocate resources effectively, and ensure that individuals in crisis receive the highest quality care possible.

We invite other agencies to share their experiences and insights on using data to evaluate and improve their mobile crisis response programs by connecting with us, here.

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